Sketching exercise

I found a really interesting book in the local library, a sketching guide with almost 200 pages of exercises. The Finnish name is called “Näin piirrät maisemia ja muita aiheita” (Kustannus-Mäkelä 2018). The English name wasn’t included in the printing info page, but the original publisher was Walter Foster Publishing, Inc. The translation could probably go like this: How to draw landscapes and other nature themes.

I was immediately drawn to a fallen tree sketch exercise. For paper I opted Canson acid free 70 g sketching paper, that is lightly grained and rigid. For pencils I chose Derwent Academy Sketching pencils.

Fallen tree 1: basic shapes and composition.

Fallen tree 2: Tree trunk begins to form, more added details.

Fallen tree 3: Almost finished!

The book contains more really good basic exercises, for example how to draw animal textures, depth and distance in landscapes, how to draw clouds etc. I’ll probably draw and post more sketches from this book later.

Welcome to my art journey!

Yesterday was spring equinox, so the day is becoming longer than the night. Good time to start something new, I think. So here we go!

Art has always been really important to me. I have studied it as an secondary subject and I have taken multiple art courses on my free time. I have also studied art from books and various other medias on my own. The results of all that will be displayed here on my blog.

I also have passion for photography. Often , when I go on a walk or otherwise spend time outside, I can see photographs in the landscape. I can see how I would crop the image, what angle would I take the photo, what would be the camera setting and so on. I love to look at different textures and find something hidden in plain sight. I will publish at some point my art photographs also here on the blog.

Anyway, let’s get blogging!
